LEI Register Services

Secure your Legal Entity Identifier with our trusted registration service


Select a plan

Save money on each annual renewal based on multi-year plans.

1 year

75 / year
Total €75

3 years

55 / year
Total €165

5 years

50 / year
Total €250

Complete the form

Start typing, and let us fill all the relevant details for you.

Company Information

Contact Information

Address Information

Headquarters address is identical to legal address?
Is the legal entity solely controlled by private individuals (natural persons)?

Renew your LEI

Enter your LEI code or company name to quickly renew your registration.

Transfer your LEI

Transfer your existing LEI to our service for better rates and support.

Feature #1

Use icon classes from your theme like: flaticon-puzzle-piece, flaticon-inspiration, flaticon-profit

Feature #2

Use icon classes from your theme like: flaticon-puzzle-piece, flaticon-inspiration, flaticon-profit

Feature #3

Use icon classes from your theme like: flaticon-puzzle-piece, flaticon-inspiration, flaticon-profit

What We are Doing

Changing The Way To Do Best Business Solutions

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Let's request a schedule For free consultation